

Price stability a top priority: Premier Wen

Updated: 2011-07-11 15:18


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XI'AN - Premier Wen Jiabao has repeated the government's line that maintaining the stability of consumer prices remains a top priority of the country's macro-economic regulation.

"The country will stick to its macro-regulation stance and well grasp the direction, strength and rhythm of its macro-economic policies," Wen said during a visit to Shaanxi province over the weekend.

Although China's economic operation is now "generally good," the situation for its economic development is "complicated" with many unstable and uncertain factors, he said.

Wen mentioned the recent sharp rises of pork prices, which he said were good for farmers but increased urban residents' living costs.

"The government holds the unavoidable responsibility of stabilizing pork prices," he said.

He urged relevant authorities to announce policies as soon as possible to encourage more pigs to be bred and stabilize the pork market.


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