
Government and Policy

Wen send greetings to farmers, workers

Updated: 2011-02-03 13:59


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Wen send greetings to farmers, workers
Premier Wen makes soup with villagers in Anhui province Feb 2,2011.[Photo/Xinhua]

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has visited farmers and workers in Dabieshan Mountain area, an old revolutionary base in east China's Anhui Province, to extend new year greetings ahead of the Spring Festival, which falls on Thursday.

On Tuesday, Wen went to the area's Jinzhai County, once an important Red Army revolutionary base, to learn about the local economic and social development situation.

He visited Zhaoyuan Village and called in on farmer Zhao Mengqi. Wen chatted with Zhao, asking about his family's income and their preparations for the lunar new year.

Zhao works as a migrant worker in Wujiang City, an economically-developed part of Jiangsu Province. His son and daughter-in-law work in Shanghai. They returned home on the eve of the Spring Festival.

"With the income we earn working in cities and what we earn growing crops, our family income has increased and we have rebuilt and renovated our house," Zhao told Premier Wen.A paved road now allows buses to reach the village, Zhao added.

Wen said, "Only when the people living in old revolutionary bases live better lives can we feel relieved."

At farmer Zhao Kongying's home, Wen joined the family in making "yuanzi," a glutinous rice ball traditionally eaten during the Spring Festival.

Wen later went to Hetang Village. There he visited villager Yu Shuhua's home and urged the local government to provide more help to needy people to ensure they have a happy lunar new year.

At dinner time, he went to villager Zhang Jiasheng's home, joining the family to prepare dinner. He wore an apron and made a soup for the family.

During the dinner, Zhang told Wen the village is rich with chestnuts, tea and traditional Chinese medicine, adding that tourism is also a source of income for the village.

Wen said help and support for the old revolutionary base should be boosted, so that local people can lead happier lives.

Wen also extended new year greetings to workers at the Meishan hydropower station in Jinzhai County. At retired worker Wan Benrong's home, Wen asked about the family's living conditions and their preparations for the lunar new year. After being told the couple received an extra 140 yuan each of monthly pension this year, Wen said the government has increased the basic pension for retired workers seven times since 2005. "Our objective is to make you feel secure," Wen said.


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