
Foreign and Military Affairs

Peaceful development best choice for China, world

Updated: 2011-02-09 13:47


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COPENHAGEN - The peaceful development strategy is the best choice for both China and the world, Professor Kjeld Broedsgaard, head of Asia Research Center of Copenhagen Business School, said after he  returned from an Asian development and security conference in Tokyo, Japan on Monday.

He said in an exclusive interview that the peaceful development is certainly the best strategy. "I think China has chosen the best way to develop itself, which benefits not only China, but also the world," he said.

Related readings:
Peaceful development best choice for China, world Hu: China to maintain peaceful development
Peaceful development best choice for China, world China's Peaceful Development Road (White Paper)
Peaceful development best choice for China, world Stick to the path of peaceful development

Broedsgaard, also a senior China hand and prominent expert on China study, added that Chinese President Hu Jintao, during his historic state visit to the United States last month, elaborated China's peaceful development strategy and enjoyed President Barack Obama's support for this. "Both Presidents Hu and Obama made the right decision last month," he said.

China has shown no intention to expand its territory, but to keep the integrity of its territory and sovereignty. China wants the world to share its development achievements and to respect it, and is content to the current and future international order, he said.

China's interest is to grow more economically and create a well-off society for the Chinese population, he noted.

"There will be several centers of power, not just one ... It is going to be a multi-polar or non-polar world," he said, adding that it is taking place in a slow fashion, not as the result of any armed conflicts.

"China is trying to reassure the world that it is not a revision power which would like to change the world fundamentally, " he said, stressing that China will take the place of the U.S. to be No.1 economy in the world in terms of the total value of GDP, not in terms of GDP per capita.

He said China's economy might slow down in a decade or more because of its aging population. "China will have demographical dividends in the next 10 to 15 years," he said, suggesting China use the current movement as well as possible before the population becomes too old.

Referring to some people's vigilance and concern on China's rise in international status and influence, Broedsgaard said, "It is no need to worry about it, because China's leaders have stated that China will rise in the manner of peace and will establish and maintain good relationship and cooperation with its neighbors."

When a new power comes up, he said, it usually creates a little of instability before the reshape of the whole power system. But he believed that when China becomes more influential, China will take more responsibilities, especially in Asia.

"I think, China, for instance, could use the influence and growing power more in relation to North Korea. China could also be a little more active on the Iranian nuclear issue," he said.

As regards the China threat theory, Broedsgaard said, it will not bring the world to anywhere because people are living in an integrated world. "China is integrated in the world economy," he said, citing that 60 percent of China's exports and 90 percent of China's high technologies come from foreign investors in China.

Take iPod for example. It is designed in the US and assembled in China with screens from Japan, chips from Taiwan region and other materials from other parts of the world, he said. "So it is difficult to say whether they are Chinese exports ... This is the modern integrated world."

Broedsgaard said China benefits so much from the globalization and so do other countries. "If we consider China is a threat, we are against globalization," he said, adding that globalization is a tendency of world development. As a member of the World Trade Organization, "China plays according to the WTO rules, so we cannot complain," he warned.

During Chinese President Hu's visit to the United States, US President Obama said China's peaceful development benefits the world.  "Obama is right," Broedsgaard said. "China's peaceful development has been benefiting the world and there is no turning back."

"It's a win-win situation. The cake is not only one side but is getting bigger. Otherwise there will be more economic crises," he said.


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