
Foreign and Military Affairs

China calls for peaceful dialogue in Middle East

Updated: 2011-03-08 21:40


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BEIJING - China pays great attention to the current situation in the Middle East and advocates peaceful ways in resolving conflicts, said a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman here Tuesday.

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Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu made the remarks in response to a question concerning Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi's phone conversation with Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa on Monday.

During the talks, they exchanged views on the relations between China and the Arab League as well as the situation in the Middle East, Jiang told a regular news briefing.

China pays great attention to the situation in the Middle East and hopes that the conflicts could be resolved through peaceful ways, including dialogues, on the basis of respecting relevant countries' sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, Jiang quoted Yang as saying.

China believes that Arab nations have the wisdom and capability to restore stability and development, Jiang said.

China also hopes the Arab League will continue to play a positive and constructive role in coping with the affairs of the Arab world, she added.


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