

Importance of innovation stressed

Updated: 2011-04-14 19:05


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SHENZHEN - China's top political advisor Jia Qinglin on Thursday called for increased efforts in improving the country's independent innovation capabilities to bolster economic growth.

Jia, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, made the remarks during a visit to Shenzhen, China's southern economic powerhouse. His two-day visit ended Thursday.

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"Scientific technologies and independent innovation capabilities are the keys to achieving the development goals of the country's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015)," Jia said while visiting some of Shenzhen's hi-tech firms and research institutions, including China's leading telecommunications manufacturers Huawei Technologies and ZTE Corporation.

"Efforts should be made to boost scientific research and technical innovation, cultivate talent in high-tech fields, and enhance overseas cooperation in both technologies and investment," he said.

During the visit, Jia visited BYD, a Chinese electric car manufacturer, to learn about the latest developments in new-energy car production and emission reductions.

He urged more support for making significant progress in the new-energy car sector, part of the country's efforts to maintain sustainable development and meet targets set for conserving energy and reducing emissions.

Jia also stressed the private sector's role in the country's economic development. To ensure the healthy development of all sectors, he called for fair competition and legal protection for enterprises under all types of ownership.


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