
Foreign and Military Affairs

Wen praises revolutionary spirit

Updated: 2011-04-29 07:45

By Li Xiaokun and Wang Chenyan (China Daily)

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KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - China's independence, freedom, reunification and the welfare of the Chinese people - things that were dear to Sun Yat-sen - are still of great significance today, as China continues its development, Premier Wen Jiabao said on Thursday.

Wen praises revolutionary spirit

Premier Wen Jiabao inspects a guard of honor in Putrajaya on Thursday. The city south of Kuala Lumpur is home to the federal government of Malaysia. [Kamarul Akhir / Agence France-Presse]

One hundred years after Sun led a successful revolution that toppled the monarchy, Wen told descendents of Sun's comrades and supporters in Malaysia's capital that the goals of the great revolutionary and founder of modern China will never be forgotten.

The premier spoke about Sun's time in Malaysia between 1905 and 1911 and especially his activities in the state of Penang.

The revolutionary leader, who became the first provisional president of the Republic of China in 1912, visited Malaysia five times to rally support for the toppling of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Each time, the people who lived there welcomed him.

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In 2008, the first memorial to Sun in Malaysia opened in Kuala Lumpur in the hope of ensuring more young people can learn about his life.

Wen expressed his appreciation of the Malaysian government for protecting relics from that important time in history, including the building that housed the Penang Philomatic Union, which was an organization set up by Sun to further his revolutionary activities. Wen said such efforts serve as a bridge between the two countries and help to spread the Three Principles of the People as proclaimed by Sun - nationalism, democracy and people's welfare.

"To carry forward the ideals of the 'Whole World as One Community' (as advocated by Sun) and universal love and to build up a prosperous China through hard work is the best lasting reminder of this pioneer," Wen said.

The premier noted that 2011 is the centennial of the Hsinhai Revolution, which Sun led and which made possible the founding of the first republic in Chinese history.

Wen praises revolutionary spirit

Lim Gaik Siang, the acting archivist of the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Center in Penang, expressed her hope that all Chinese people in the world will cherish modern achievements and understand that peace across the Taiwan Straits is what everybody wants.

Yee Thiam Sun, a descendant of Penang Philomatic Union members, said China's development has ensured a bright future for its people. He said the spirit of sacrifice and fearlessness exemplified by those who brought about the monumental changes 100 years ago should encourage Chinese people, both at home and abroad, to contribute to China's success.

"We are Chinese people with a foreign nationality, but we still care greatly about China, our motherland, and we hope it can continue to be strong and innovative," said Loh Nam Hooi, director of Kwong Wah Daily, as he met Wen. Loh vowed to advocate for Chinese culture and help enhance Sino-Malaysian relations.





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