

China sets up State Internet information office

Updated: 2011-05-04 09:52


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BEIJING - The Chinese government announced Wednesday the setting up of an office to manage Internet information in a statement of the State Council General Office.

The department, known as the State Internet Information Office, will direct, coordinate and supervise online content management and handle administrative approval of businesses related to online news reporting, it said.

It will direct the development of online gaming, online video and online publication industries, it said.

The office will be engaged in promoting construction of major news websites and managing government online publicity work.

It is assigned the duties to investigate and punish websites violating laws and regulations.

It will oversee telecom service providers in their efforts to improve the management of registration of domain names, distribution of IP addresses, registration of websites and Internet access.

The State Council has approved the appointment of four senior officials for the State Internet Information Office.

Director of the State Council's Information Office Wang Chen was appointed director of the State Internet Information Office.

Vice director of the State Council's Information Office Qian Xiaoqian was appointed vice director of the State Internet Information Office.

Vice Minister of Industry and Information Technology Xi Guohua, and Vice Minister of Public Security Zhang Xinfeng were concurrently appointed vice directors of the State Internet Information Office.



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