
Foreign and Military Affairs

Hu urges to advance partnership with US: Vice premier

Updated: 2011-05-10 20:37


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WASHINGTON -- China will work together with the United States to keep moving forward the cooperative partnership between the two countries, Chinese President Hu Jintao said in a message conveyed Monday by Vice Premier Wang Qishan to US President Barack Obama.

Obama on Monday met at the White House with Chinese Vice Premier Wang and State Councilor Dai Bingguo, who are here to attend the ongoing third round of China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED).

During the meeting, Wang first conveyed a message from Chinese President Hu to Obama.

In the message, President Hu said the consensus reached between him and President Obama for China and the United States to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit has been earnestly implemented since his US visit in January.

Both sides have maintained frequent contacts and dialogue at bilateral, regional and global levels with effective communications and cooperation, Hu said.

"China will work together with the United States to further strengthen dialogues and communications, increase mutual understanding and strategic mutual trust, handle their differences properly, expand and deepen practical cooperation in various fields, and keep moving forward the cooperative partnership between the two countries," Hu said in his message.

Wang said President Hu, during his visit to the United States, made the decision with President Obama to build a comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership between the two countries. The central task of the current round of dialogue, Wang said, is to follow through on the important agreement reached between the two presidents.

"As the two largest economies in the world, China and the United States are highly interdependent and complementary economically with vast potential for cooperation," Wang said.

The economic relationship between the two countries, he said, has far exceeded the bilateral scope and has acquired growing global significance.

"With the world economic landscape undergoing profound and complex changes, the success of the ongoing strategic and economic dialogue will play an important role in facilitating economic growth in the two countries and in the world at large," he said.

There are both complementarities and clashes in the respective policies of the two countries geared to ensure economic recovery, Wang said. However, China and the United States have far more shared interests and cooperation than differences and competition, he stressed.

He said China has made headway in combating intellectual property infringement, promoting the use of legal softwares, improving policies regarding indigenous innovation and government procurement, and fostering an open environment for foreign investment.

He said China hopes the US side would make breakthroughs on issues of Chinese concern, such as relaxing high-tech export controls vis-a-vis China, to deliver greater benefits to the two peoples through win-win results.

State Councilor Dai said the international situation which are undergoing complex and profound changes has vindicated the wisdom and necessity of the decision by leaders of China and the United States to build a cooperative partnership between the two countries.

The world needs a better, more stable and predictable relationship between China and the United States, he said. A China which is committed to peace, growth and cooperation and always follows a path of peaceful development will provide unique opportunities to the United States and the world in the process of its own development, he added.

Dai said China is ready to work with the United States to seize the opportunity and fully implement the outcomes achieved during President Hu's visit here and promote the building of a cooperative partnership between the two countries.

He said both sides should strengthen cooperation and coordination in global and regional affairs and work together in dealing with various challenges in efforts to safeguard and promote world peace and development.

Dai said China has made historic progress in the human rights areas. China and the United States should have communications and dialogues on human rights on the basis of equality and mutual respect, seek common ground while reserving differences, and handle their differences properly, he said.

President Obama thanked President Hu for his important message, saying Hu's visit to the United States in January was of great significance.

Obama said US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue is a premier mechanism for managing their relations and has greatly promoted mutual understanding and cooperation.

He expressed satisfaction with the ongoing dialogue which has been fruitful. He believed that it is now the common goal of both sides to implement the consensus reached during President Hu's visit in January.

The US president reaffirmed that his country is in favor of a strong, prosperous and successful China and supports a greater role for China in world affairs. He recognized that China has made good progress in protecting intellectual property rights, saying the United States will export more high-tech products to China and other countries because it is mutually beneficial.

Also present at the meeting were US Vice President Joe Biden as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner, who co-chair the ongoing S&ED with Wang and Dai.

The two-day dialogue started on Monday.


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