
Foreign and Military Affairs

Attempt to direct Mideast turmoil to China 'futile'

Updated: 2011-05-14 13:59


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BEIJING - Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said Friday that any attempt to direct the Middle East turmoil to China and change the development path chosen by the Chinese people would get nowhere.

Jiang made the remarks when asked to respond to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's comments concerning China published Tuesday by the The Atlantic magazine Tuesday.

In an interview with the magazine in early April, which largely focused on the Middle East turmoil, Clinton said China was "worried" and "trying to stop history, which is a fool's errand."

"It is inappropriate for anyone to relate or compare China to some west Asian and north African nations facing turmoil," Jiang said. "And any attempt to direct the Middle East turmoil to China and change the development path chosen by the Chinese people will be futile."


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