
Foreign and Military Affairs

Indonesia gets taste of Chinese culture

Updated: 2011-07-06 08:06

By Wang Shanshan (China Daily)

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JAKARTA, Indonesia - Chinese art, dance, movies and music are expected to charm Indonesians in an event called "Experience China", which kicked off on Tuesday in the capital of the Southeast Asian nation.

Organized by China's State Council Information Office, the event will be held throughout July in the cities of Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan and Semarang.

It will include a four-day Chinese film festival, which will start on Wednesday in Jakarta and Surabaya, and performances by the China Oriental Song and Dance Ensemble and the Shaolin monks.

There will also be a symposium to commemorate the 20th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue, as well as a ceremony to present Chinese books to Indonesian cultural institutions.

"We are bringing Chinese art, kungfu, movies and books to offer Indonesian people a chance to fully experience Chinese culture," Wang Zhongwei, vice-minister of the State Council Information Office, said at the event's opening ceremony on Tuesday.

"Culture is the bridge and also the tie to enhance feelings between people. I hope this event will help to further improve mutual understanding and trust between people from China and ASEAN nations," he said.

Zhang Qiyue, Chinese ambassador to Indonesia, said the event would let people know more about China's diversified cultures, and also that it is modern and open, and adheres to peaceful development.

"I believe that focusing on the people is the basis of the success of China-ASEAN cooperation, and that the future of relations needs the support and involvement of the people," she said at the event's opening ceremony.


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