
China Scene

Beggar helps the poor by selling moon cakes

Updated: 2011-08-19 07:56

(China Daily)

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A beggar in Hefei, capital of Anhui province, collects money to support poor students by selling the moon cakes he receives from generous people.

On Aug 9, Wang Zhiyou, the beggar, put about 50 pieces of moon cakes in front of himself on a street and asked for 2 yuan (16 cents) for each of them.

"This is the way I'm collecting money to support poor students," Wang said.

The first time Wang performed these charitable acts, he was praised as being a chivalrous beggar who had done similar things in cities throughout the country.

"I was abandoned after I was born, and I grew up with help from many people," Wang said. "I want to do something to give back."

(Hefei Evening News)


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