
Foreign and Military Affairs

Vice-president vows to enhance ties with Cuba

Updated: 2011-08-30 20:04

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BEIJING - Vice-President Xi Jinping on Tuesday pledged to uphold the long-term friendship with Cuba and further cooperation between the two countries and their communist parties.

Xi, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks during a meeting with Jose Ramon Balaguer, special envoy of Cuban Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee first secretary Raul Castro.

Xi conveyed greetings from President Hu Jintao to Raul and his brother Fidel Castro.

Xi voiced his confidence on Cuba's development under CCP leadership.

Sino-Cuban relations have endured up-and-downs on the international stage since diplomatic ties were forged in 1960, Xi said, noting that remarkable achievements have been made in recent years.

Balaguer, a member of the Secretariat of the CCP Central Committee and chief of the International Department of the CCP Central Committee, spoke highly of the CPC's achievements and vowed to enhance cooperation between the two parties and countries.

Balaguer is here to brief Chinese leaders on the results of the 6th CCP Congress and the preparation for next January's CCP national conference.


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