

Shining in its own style

Updated: 2008-11-07 16:56


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The health enhancing properties of jade

Jade is used in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Commonly, it is ground into fine powders with other ingredients. According to practitioners, jade has the function of calming the soul, maintaining healthy blood circulation, and clearing the eyes and ears. It can “moisten” the heart and lungs. Moisten, here refers to a positive maintenance of the liquid medium that protects and lubricates body tissue. The ancient Chinese took jade powers to prevent and cure disease. It has been a major medical ingredient for treatment and as prevention for aging.

Shining in its own style

Chinese people believe that jade can also ward off evil spirits and bring good luck. It is the talisman of the human body. Modern science and technology indicate that the jade contains zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, chrome, manganese, cobalt...etc. These microelements are good to human body. Usually wearing jade, human body skin can absorb microelements from the jade. Jade can also absorb toxins from the body and apparently coordinate the balance of inner organs. When we wear jade it can massage certain acupuncture points to stimulate the blood circulatory system. Jade can also store Energy Qi and keep Yin and Yang in balance as it can absorb sunlight in daytime and release it at night.

How to take care of jade and jadeite?

People believe jade has life and soul and it needs constant care by collectors. Firstly, avoid having it bump on hard surfaces as jade is delicate. Although sometimes a crack can not be seen by the naked eye, the interior structure may have been damaged. As time goes on, it will appear and reduce its value. Secondly, protect jade articles from dust or greasy dirt. If blemished, they must be scrubbed with a soft cloth or washed with clean water. Third, when left unused it is best to store the jade in a case or box to protect it from being bumped. Four, jade should be kept away from perfume or chemicals otherwise it will tarnish. Fifth, do not expose jade to sunlight for a long time, otherwise it may expand and the quality will change slightly. Finally, jade has a certain water content so don’t keep it in a dry area.

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