

Panda Paul, welcome to China

Updated: 2011-06-16 07:54

(China Daily)

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Paul, the lovely panda, has hit the screens in China. The clumsy but cute character, armed with kungfu, attracted millions of viewers across the world after debuting in Kung Fu Panda 1. Panda Paul has become a super star in the cartoon world, and has a huge number of fans in China.

It is strange that a film full of Chinese elements was not made in China. Still it has been hailed by many Chinese viewers, though some argue that Kung Fu Panda movies are a kind of cultural invasion. I don't agree with such an opinion and regard the film as a visual feast.

We should accept the gap between Chinese and Western filmmakers. Chinese filmmakers lag behind their Western counterparts, and it is hard for them to make such a cartoon film now.

The audience wants to enjoy a good film. If we can't make one, there's no reason to hate our foreign counterparts who can.

Besides, we can see the films as a good advertisement for China. With so many Chinese elements in the movie, viewers over the world may want to know more about China, its history and culture. The films could benefit China's tourism sector, too.

Jia Maohui, via e-mail

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