Updated: 2011-06-17 11:18
(China Daily European Weekly)
China and the Future of Global Branding, London
Sir Martin Sorrell is one of the UK's leading businessmen and possesses a deep knowledge and understanding of China. In the mid-1980s his vision led him to establish WPP as a global company by purchasing below-the-line, advertising-related companies, taking over 18 companies in three years. Sir Martin has single-handedly turned WPP into one of the three major players in the global advertising market.
Date: June 27
China Skills Recruitment Event, London
This event brings together China-focused businesses and talented job-seekers with China-related skills. It will include educational workshops for HR and business development directors. Topics covered include "Hiring and retaining culturally diverse teams" and "Positioning your organization as the employer of choice". Job seekers will be Western and Chinese passport holders, MBA and PhD students and fresh graduates, with China-related experience and skills.
Venue: Mayor Brown LLP
Date: June 29
Innovation and Standardization in
Teaching and Learning Chinese, Edinburgh
This event, hosted by the British Chinese Language Teaching Society (BCLTS), will address the current issues that CFL teaching professionals face, particularly in the areas of innovative methods, material design, benchmarking, assessment, e-learning, intercultural communication and developments in teaching and learning Chinese.
Venue: University of Edinburgh
Date: June 29 to July 1
When two are one
After a separation of 360 years, Huang Gongwang's famous Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains has been made whole again.
Wealth of difference
Rich coastal areas offer contrasting ways of dealing with country's development
Seal of approval
The dying tradition of seal engraving has now become a UNIVERSITY major