

A sport steeped in cruelty

Updated: 2011-08-31 07:51

(China Daily)

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Rodeo is a competitive sport which arose out of the working practices of cattle herding in Spain, Mexico, and later the United States, Canada, South America and Australia.

Professional rodeos generally comprise the following events: tie-down roping, team roping, steer wrestling, saddle bronc riding, bareback bronc-riding, bull riding, and barrel racing.

However, today's "cowboys" are all about chasing prize money and proving that they are "tough" enough to "break" supposedly wild animals.

While the American rodeo industry has made progress in the care of rodeo animals, rodeo is opposed by a number of animal welfare organizations in the United States and Canada.

Some local and state governments in North America have banned or restricted rodeos, certain rodeo events, or types of equipment. Internationally, rodeo is banned in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

Broncos and bulls are completely domesticated and not naturally aggressive. Their wild behavior in rodeo events is artificially induced by painful or irritating provocations actions such as twisting their tails or giving them electric shocks. Because of the aggressive nature of rodeo events, animals commonly suffer serious injuries, such as torn ligaments and broken bones.

China Daily


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