

Ball is in Aquino's court

Updated: 2011-09-03 07:48

(China Daily)

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As to the issues that still stand in the way of bilateral ties, the countries have also shown sincerity in handling them properly.

During his meeting with Aquino on Wednesday, Premier Wen Jiabao urged the Philippine government to properly handle the aftermath of Manila hostage incident and attach importance to the requests of the government and people of Hong Kong.

On Aug 23, last year, eight Hong Kong tourists were killed after an 11-hour standoff between the Philippine police and a former police officer who hijacked a bus. Aquino assured Wen that the Philippine side will handle the issue seriously.

As to the disputes over the South China Sea, which have increased tensions between the countries since June, Beijing and Manila have also signaled a thaw. The two leaders agreed to minimize the impact of the disputes on overall relations and work toward solving them peacefully.

Of course, the disputes over the waters could not be solved once and for all during a single visit. But as long as both sides show the political will to maintain peace on the sea, they will be one step closer to an amicable settlement.

We hope both countries can put aside the disputes and actively explore forms of common development in the sea areas.

Rifts over the South China Sea issue in recent months have been Manila's making. Hence, to sustain the good momentum of bilateral ties, Manila should consistently work toward honoring its commitments to the bilateral partnership.

(China Daily 09/03/2011 page5)

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