

UEFA to visit Ukraine for Euro 2012 preparations

Updated: 2011-05-24 13:22


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UEFA to visit Ukraine for Euro 2012 preparations

An interior view shows Kiev stadium, which will host matches of the Euro 2012 soccer championship, under construction, May 23, 2011. [Photo/Agencies]

KIEV - Two experts from UEFA will visit Ukraine on May 30, the Euro 2012 Local Organizing Committee in Ukraine reported Wednesday.

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UEFA chief executive for Euro 2012 Martin Kallen and the member of UEFA executive committee Frantisek Laurinec will examine the key principles of preparation for Euro 2012 Soccer Championship.

They will hold a working meeting with Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Borys Kolesnikov and representatives of the cities, hosting the tournament. The UEFA officials will check the latest developments undertaken by Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk and Lviv.

On April 26, Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister has expressed the confidence that facilities for Euro 2012 will be fully ready in Ukraine by the end of this year. According to him, the constructions and reconstructions of the main tournament objects is going by the schedule.

Ukraine will co-host the 2012 European championships with Poland from June 8 to July 1, 2012.

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