
Editor's Pick

Amazing unmentioned scenic spots for Golden Week

Updated: 2011-04-20 16:06

(Global Times)

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Amazing unmentioned scenic spots for Golden Week

Cuopu Valley, Sichuan (Photo: Global Times)

Cuopu Valley, Sichuan

Cuopu Valley, located in the west of Ganzi, Sichuan, collects a brilliant condensation of mountains and rivers. It combines the natural and cultural sights where visitors can find peaks, glaciers, virgin forest, lakes, valleys, waterfalls, springs, grasslands and Tibetan temples.

Amazing unmentioned scenic spots for Golden Week

Yudu Mountain, Beijing (Photo: Global Times)

Yudu Mountain, Beijing

Located in Yanqing county, Beijing, Yudu Mountain covers an area of over 100 square kilometers. Situated amid remote mountains, Yudu presents secluded and refined views. Here, visitors can find the most primitive green memory of nature. Endowed with mountains, rocks, waterfalls, springs and woods, it is the best choice for people to return to nature and experience the harmony between man and nature.

Admission fee: 60 yuan

Transportation: take bus No.919 at Deshengmen Gate to Yanqing county, and take bus No.920 to Yudu Mountain (Longqing Gorge)

What to do: sightseeing, taste the local food, play Golf, picking etc.


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