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Tourists travel to Tiantai Mountain, China's Zhejiang

Updated: 2011-05-20 16:32


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Tourists travel to Tiantai Mountain, China's Zhejiang

Tourist visit the Guoqing Temple on the Tiantai Mountain, where famed travel writer Xu Xiake of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) once traveled and stayed, in Tiantai County, east China's Zhejiang Province, May 19, 2011. The Chinese government announced on March 30 that China's National Tourism Day will fall on May 19 each year, the date when Xu Xiake started writing his famous travel books. On the same day 398 years ago, Xu departed from Ninghai towards the Tiantai Mountain in Tiantai County of Zhejiang, beginning his 30 years of travel through the country and the writing of his masterpiece "Travel Notes of Xu Xiake." [Xinhua/Ju Huanzong]

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