
Editor's Pick

Pearl on the Yangtze

Updated: 2011-06-10 10:23

By Yang Yang (China Daily European Weekly)

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3. The Three Kingdom City

One of the most interesting tourist attractions here is the Wuxi Movie/TV production base, which is known as "Oriental Hollywood". It contains a cluster of large-scale classical constructions: the Three Kingdom City, the Shuihu City and the Tang City, and also features performers who take visitors back to fascinating times of past glory.

Based on historical records, Tang City copies the architecture style used during the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) in stunning detail.

The Shuihui City duplicates the Song Dynasty (960-1279) period and Three Kingdoms City includes buildings reflecting the style and structure of the Han Dynasty (206BC-220).

In order to film Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the King of Wu's Palace, the Ganlu Temple, the Cao Cao's Army Camp and the Seven Star Altar were all specially built.

Pearl on the Yangtze
The grand Buddha at Lingshan stands 88 meters tall and is one of the biggest Buddhist statues in China. Bei Huan / for China Daily

4. Lingshan Grand Buddha

This famous site features one of the largest and most representative collections of Buddhism architecture and art in China.

The Buddhas are made of tin and bronze and are completed according to the Buddhist Scriptures Tathagata 32 Images. The grand Buddha stands 88 meters, the tallest of its kind in the world.

During Spring Festival, travelers from all over China come to Xiangfu Temple to listen to the bell toll, which is believed to ring in good luck. The bell is 3.5 metres in high and weighs 12 tons and is the biggest in South China.


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