
Tips and Articles

Northern exposure

Updated: 2011-07-15 10:43

By Xiao Xiangyi (China Daily European Weekly)

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Northern exposure
3. South Lake Park

South Lake Park, first built in 1933, is located in the southwest of Changchun city. With a total area of more than 220 hectares, South Lake Park is second largest public park in China, following the Summer Palace grounds in Beijing.

It is usually seen as a landmark of the city, and a very popular destination for locals.

They stand on the arched bridges, sip tea in traditional pavilions and paddle away in hired boats through the lotus leaf-covered lakes.

In winter when the water freezes solid, visitors take part in various kinds of winter sports, such as skiing, skating and dog-sledding.

4. Changchun Film City

Adjacent to Jingyuetan National Forest Park is the must-see Changchun Film City.

Dubbed "Oriental Hollywood", many Mao-era movies were made here and the studio still plays a major role in the making of today's Chinese films.

Changchun Film City is now a theme park for tourists who can discover all the details of the filmmaking process.

The theme park was established in 1992, and includes different background scenes, such as old Beijing streets and imperial palaces.

The Changchun International Film Festival is held here every year.

5. "Puppet" Imperial Palace

From 1932 to 1945, Changchun was the capital of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo and this historical palace is where China's last emperor Puyi lived.

Puyi was installed by the Japanese Manchukuo government as a puppet ruler in Changchun.

Together with the nearby History of the Occupation of Northeastern China Museum, the Puppet Imperial Palace is a well-preserved reminder of a time when China was far from the economic juggernaut as it is today. The architecture is a combination of both traditional Chinese and Western styles.

The large campus of stately buildings leads visitors from well-restored bedchambers to backyard gardens with Buddhist shrines.

The exhibits recreate realistic scenes of the emperor's past. Fans of courtly drama and political intrigue, and those with a penchant for dioramas are sure to have a good time here.

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