
US unveils new National Military Strategy

Updated: 2011-02-09 08:53


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WASHINGTON - US top military officer on Tuesday unveiled the 2011 National Military Strategy, the first revision since 2004 of the ways and means that the military will advance US national interests.

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It builds on the 2010 National Security Strategy and the objectives in the latest Quadrennial Defense Review, according to the document.

"Our military power is most effective when employed in support and in concert with other elements of power as part of whole-of-nation approaches to foreign policy," Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in the strategy.

The National Military Objectives are designed to counter violent extremism, deter and defeat aggression, strengthen international and regional security and shape the future force, according to the document.

The renewed strategy put greater emphasis on strengthening international and regional security. Under the revision, the United States can stand alone if needed, but the strategy sees the future in coalitions.

The United States will continue to work with responsible countries and in alliances, said the document. NATO will remain its bedrock alliance, but Americans will work with the African Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and other groups to promote military-to-military relations.


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