
Shot US lawmaker returns to cast vote

Updated: 2011-08-03 07:53

By Donna Cassata (China Daily)

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Shot US lawmaker returns to cast vote

WASHINGTON - Seven months after she was shot in the head, Representative Gabrielle Giffords returned to the House of Representatives to cast her vote on the historic debt-limit bill. Thunderous applause and emotional hugs from her Republican and Democratic colleagues greeted her.

Giffords' entrance, with just minutes remaining in the vote, surprised lawmakers and added even more drama to a high-stakes day. The Arizona Democrat responded to the attention with a smile, and she mouthed several "thank-you's".

"We were just hugging. Girl hugs," said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi. Other colleagues, surprised and joyful, made their way to greet her as she was enveloped in a cluster of Democratic lawmakers.

Giffords used one hand to greet some, the other by her side. Her hair was dark and closely cropped, and she wore glasses. Her image was quite different from the one Americans saw seven months ago when she was sworn-in for a third term by House Speaker John Boehner.

"It was one of the most thrilling moments for all of us to see this real heroine return to the House," Pelosi said, "and to do so at such a dramatic time".

Giffords cast her vote for the bill, which passed 269-161.

On Jan 8, Giffords was shot in the head in the parking lot of a Tucson grocery store while meeting with constituents. Six people were killed and 13 others, including Giffords, were wounded. The man charged in the shooting, Jared Lee Loughner, was sent to a federal prison facility in Springfield in Missouri, after a federal judge concluded he was mentally incompetent to stand trial on 49 charges.

"She is a model for the attitude that we should all have because she is tenacious and she is relentless in her love for America .... you were missed and we're glad to have you back," said Representative Ted Poe, a Texas Republican.

Giffords exited the House chamber by the east door, leaning heavily on an aide as she walked with obvious difficulty. Her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, accompanied her. Police had cleared a path through a mob of reporters, and Giffords did not respond to questions and greetings.

Near the doorway to the House, Vice-President Joe Biden greeted Giffords and marveled at her return.

"She's remarkable. Will matters," Biden said in an interview.

Associated Press


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