

Wireless Rural Nepal: The village facebookers

Updated: 2011-06-08 08:54

By D J Clark (

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Everyday Milan Lohani leaves his small farmhouse in the Himalayan foothills and walks half an hour to school. Milan's school library had relied on second hand books sent by overseas donors until three years ago when the Internet came to town. It has taken him and his classmates little time to workout how to utilize the information they find online for getting news, information for study and helping their families farm. Like other teenagers around the world they also use the web for social networking.

by D J Clark


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Wireless Rural Nepal: The village facebookers

About D J Clark

D J Clark has worked worldwide as a multimedia journalist for more than 20 years. As well as working for China Daily he runs an MA course in Multimedia journalism at Beijing Foreign Studies University and is the Director of Visual Journalism at the Asia Center for Journalism in Manila, Philippines.


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