

Killing bin Laden more symbolic than actual meaning

Updated: 2011-05-02 15:31


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News of Osama bin Laden's death is echoing around the world, the following is a selection of comments from Chinese readers:

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Woruchaolou: It's more symbolic to kill bin Laden than what really matters.

Yuxinggong: They really killed bin Laden? I think this is good news for the presidential election in 2012. Anyway, he deserves death for his crimes against the civilians.

Raymond: I don't agree with Obama that Sept 11 was the worst attack on the American people. Don't you think the attack on Pearl Harbor was more deadly?

Chuanlindayesheng: I am very glad that bin Laden is dead. For so many years, he left people dying. Only peace can make people happy and enjoy life.

Yezishangdeqiutian: What will be the reasons for the United States forces to be in Afghanistan after bin Laden's death?

Richif: bin Laden is a human being, but do you know how many people he killed?

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