

Libyan woman who claimed rape arrives in Romania

Updated: 2011-06-07 16:37


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TIMISOARA - The UN refugee agency says a Libyan woman who claimed she was raped by Gadhafi troops has arrived in Romania.

UNHCR spokeswoman Claudia Liute said Tuesday that Iman al-Obeidi arrived in Romania alone on a flight from Italy late Sunday. Liute says the 29-year-old is staying in a refugee transit center in the western Romanian city of Timisoara where she can remain for up to six months.

Liute says she cannot provide more details.

Al-Obeidi's sister has said she was on her way to the United States.

Al-Obeidi made headlines in March when she rushed distraught into Tripoli's Rixos Hotel, seeking to speak to foreign reporters and saying she was detained by a number of Gadhafi troops at a Tripoli checkpoint and raped.


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