Volcano erupts in Ecuador's Galapagos Islands

Updated: 2015-05-26 11:36


Volcano erupts in Ecuador's Galapagos Islands

Wolf volcano erupts at Isabela island in Galapagos on May 25, 2015. [Photo/IC]

The flow is likely to reach the sea, however, where it could harm marine life, the Geophysics Institute said separately. While populated areas of the island are safe from the eruption, the institute said some of the ash cloud could descend upon them.

In April, unusual seismic activity was also reported at the Sierra volcano on the same Isabela Island, the archipelago's biggest, where yellow iguanas and giant turtles also live.

The eruption in Ecuador comes on the heels of eruptions in Chile, another South American country located on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire.

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