
China Scene

Man returns to crime scene every year to repent

Updated: 2011-08-19 07:56

(China Daily)

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A man who took part in the gang rape and killing of a woman and then fled for 10 years now returns every year to the scene of his crime on the date he commited it.

Mei Chunhui, 27, a resident of Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, goes to the crime scene and also to places near the victim's home to repent and pay homage to the victim.

On the night of Nov 24, 2001, Mei robbed a woman with his friends, Tan Jinming and Liu Shuai. After getting money and other property from the woman, the three men raped and killed her. The police later caught Tan and Liu, but Mei managed to escape.

On Aug 9, the police received information that Mei had returned to Wuhan and caught him that afternoon. Mei told the police that he had fled to Anhui province and Beijing. From the woman's ID card, Mei learned the victim's address. He later began to go to places near the victim's home, as well as the scene of the crime, to repent and pay homage to her on Nov 24 every year.

(Wuhan Evening News)


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