US objectivity needed on Asia-Pacific, says China

Updated: 2012-12-28 19:09

By Zhao Shengnan (

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A senior Chinese official on Friday urged the United States to take an objective and impartial position on Asia-Pacific affairs.

Addressing the Lanting Forum in Beijing, Vice- Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun said China and the US need to work to ensure that dialogue and cooperation outweigh friction and difference in the Asia-Pacific region.

"Asia-Pacific is a region where China and the US have more closely intertwined interests and more frequent interaction than elsewhere," Zhang said.

He added that China respects the legitimate interests of the United States in the region and welcomes its constructive role. Likewise, the US needs to respect China's interests and concerns in the region.

The two sides need to increase frank discussions on issues concerning the situation in the region and their respective Asia-Pacific policies, Zhang said.

This was so they could boost mutual understanding, expand common ground, steadily promote cooperation and approach and manage differences appropriately.

"As far as the differences and friction between countries in the region are concerned, we hope the US will take an objective and impartial position instead of siding with one party, or doing things that are a disservice to settling the issue," Zhang said.

The Asia-Pacific region should not be an arena for Sino-US competition. Instead, it should be a grand stage for cooperation between the two nations, Zhang said.

The Lanting Forum, initiated by the ministry, is a platform for communication and exchanges between government, the business community, academia, media and the public.
