China clarifies law to crackdown on blackmail

Updated: 2013-04-27 00:11


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BEIJING - Chinese authorities on Friday unveiled a judicial explanation to clarify the seriousness of blackmail cases in order to crackdown on the crime.

The nine-article explanation, issued by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, outlines the amounts of money or property considered "relatively large", "huge" and "extremely huge", which will determine the length of sentence for criminals.

Suspects extorting public or private money or property worth between 2,000 yuan (324.4 US dollars) and 5,000 yuan by blackmail, an amount considered "relatively large", will be sentenced to imprisonment of no more than three years, according to the explanation.

The threshold range from 2,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan depends on an area's economic and social conditions.

For those who have committed blackmail or committed the crime against minors, disabled or seniors, the threshold will be reduced to 1,000 yuan.

Extorted money or property worth between 30,000 yuan and 100,000 yuan is considered "huge" and the suspects will receive jail terms ranging from three to 10 years.

Those blackmailing more than 300,000 yuan and up to 500,000 yuan will be sentenced to more than 10 years in jail as the amount is "extremely huge," according to the explanation.

Officials with the supreme court said the explanation aims to strengthen the crackdown on blackmail, which has become increasingly frequent and widespread in recent years.

Some gangs use blackmail to bully and oppress members of the public, officials said.

The explanation will take effect from Saturday.
