Greater Washington

Updated: 2014-01-11 08:46

(China Daily USA)

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 Greater Washington

Gaithersburg, MD: Stepping Into 2014

Damien Liles (left), host of a New Year performance gala organized by the Council of Chinese Alumni Associations at Greater Washington, showcases an indigenous dance in Taiwan with performers in Gaithersburg, Maryland last Saturday. Photos by Cai Chunying / China Daily

 Greater Washington

Gaithersburg, MD: Tasting Feast

People line up for delicacies from dierent regions in China during the New Year festival organized by the Council of Chinese Alumni Associations at Greater Washington in Gaithersburg, Maryland last Saturday.

 Greater Washington

Gaithersburg, MD: Say no to abe's visit

Ye Yubin (left), president of the Union of Chinese American Professional Organizations, and Xiao Shuigen, former president, collect signatures in Gaithersburg, Maryland last Saturday from people to condemn Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's recent visit to the controversial Yasukuni shrine. The shrine worships Japan's war dead, including 14 Class-A World War II war criminals.

 Greater Washington

Gaithersburg, MD: Chinese attraction

A reader browses through the Chinese collection at the newly-renovated public library in Gaithersburg, Maryland last Saturday when the library had a grand opening with an official ribbon-cutting, special programs, musical entertainment and a large turnout from the community. The library houses a big collection of Chinese books from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.

(China Daily USA 01/11/2014 page9)
