Uygur food staples

Updated: 2014-11-14 14:53

(China Daily USA)

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It is especially served at feasts for distinguished guests. The spiced rice dish can include carrots, onions and meat, or nuts, raisins and red jujubes. Traditionally, the pilaf is served in a big dish on a tablecloth on the floor. Guests wash their hands, sit cross-legged and close their fingers to form a spoon to eat the pilaf.

Pilaf is a common food in ethnic restaurants throughout the region, with mutton and chicken usually added. Kazak people put in smoked horsemeat to give it a special taste.

Spicy fried chicken

It is also known by its more famous name of "big dish chicken" because it is put in an extraordinarily large dish. Cooked with green and red peppers and potatoes, it combines the tastes of the poultry and vegetables fried in edible oil.


Noodles are the main staple food for Xinjiang locals. Wheat flour powder is mixed with water to make dough, which is pulled into noodles that add a chewiness quality. The boiled noodles are served with fried vegetables and meat. The most popular noodle dish includes fried cabbage and mutton. Uygur and Hui ethnic groups are good at making noodles and operate most of the noodle restaurants in the region.

 Uygur food staples

A Uygur man cannot wait to have the pilaf for lunch. Han Liang / for China Daily

 Uygur food staples

A restaurant owner demonstrates the process of making Xinjiang noodles in Turpan, Xinjiang. Zhao Ge / Xinhua

 Uygur food staples

Boiled sheep's hoof is also a popular Uygur cuisine. Han Liang / for China Daily

(China Daily USA 11/14/2014 page5)
