Risk backfired, concedes Ranieri

Updated: 2011-12-04 13:38


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ROME - Inter head coach Claudio Ranieri conceded that his tactic risk backfired as his side lost to Udinese 1-0 at home on Saturday.

"Obviously we wanted another result. We pushed and tried to put Udinese under pressure, but they are so good at letting you tire yourself out and hitting you on the counter. Compliments to Udinese, we have to roll our sleeves up and work harder," Ranieri was quoted by football-italia.net as saying.

Inter have now gone six consecutive San Siro games without any of their strikers on target.

"A striker lives for a goal and not getting it does slowly become a weight, but these are moments that every forward goes through. We've got to let them stay calm and clear-headed. They fought hard and the ball didn't want to go in," the former Chelsea manager said.

Ranieri had stated Inter could win the Scudetto this season, but concedes that's a dream too far now.

"It's certainly not the luckiest campaign in Inter's history! We won't get sucked into self-pity, though. It could've been the turning point of our campaign to give us the confidence we needed, but instead we have to work even harder.

"Now we just have to keep quiet, work and let the other teams have their season while we have ours. If we drift away from the Scudetto race, then there are other very prestigious ones still up for grabs. I think positive," he said.