

UN Security Council condemns Moscow airport bombing

Updated: 2011-01-25 09:07


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UNITED NATIONS - The UN Security Council on Monday condemned "in the strongest terms" the bombing in Moscow's Domodedovo airport as a "heinous act of terrorism."

Ivan Barbalic, Bosnia and Herzegovina's ambassador to the UN who holds the rotating Council presidency for January, delivered the statement to reporters here.

Moscow's busiest airport was struck by a bombing on Monday afternoon, killing 35 people and wounding 152 others, according to the Russian authorities.

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The 15-member Council "reaffirmed that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security and that any acts of terrorism are criminal and unjustifiable regardless of their motivation, wherever, whenever and whom so ever committed," said Barbalic.

The Council reiterated its determination "to combat all forms of terrorism in accordance with its responsibilities under the charter of the United Nations," he added.

The Russian state-run news agency ITAR-TASS said a suicide bomber was responsible for the explosion. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, referred to the incident as a "terrorist attack" in a statement on Russian state TV.

Meanwhile, the Russian president called for an emergency meeting with security chiefs at the Kremlin to discuss the situation. Medvedev postponed his trip to the annual World Economic Forum meeting set to kick off on Wednesday in Davos, Switzerland.

Russia has been faced with terrorist attacks in recent years, particularly on its transportation facilities. Most recently, in March 2010 female suicide bombers struck the Moscow subway in a twin bomb attack that killed 40 people and injured 85 others.


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