

27 people killed in Libya protests

Updated: 2011-02-19 08:27


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TRIPOLI - At least 20 people in Libya's second largest city of Benghazi and seven in Derna in eastern Libya were killed in anti-government protests, Oea newspaper reported on its website Friday.

The bodies of the protesters in Benghazi were found Friday morning, it said. The protest, which broke out on Wednesday, demands the government to give more civil rights to the people.

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The protesters chanted slogans such as "we want constitution," "Dialogue but no killing," and "No corruption," the report said.

The protesters also called on the government not to use real bullets against protesters and keep people's legal right of demonstration, while gunshot was heard in different areas in Benghazi, according to the website.

About 1,000 prisoners have escaped from a prison in Benghazi. "There has been a mutiny at the Al Kuifiya prison, which led to the escape of a large number of prisoners," Ramadhna Briki, editor in chief of Libyan newspaper Quryna, was quoted by Tunisian official news agency TAP as saying.

Libya's anti-government protesters also hanged two policemen Friday, and a police station was set on fire in the eastern city of Al-Baida, Oea newspaper's website said.


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