

iPhone4 not yet available for mainland CDMA-2000 users

Updated: 2011-01-13 15:59

By Hao Yan (

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China Telecom said Wednesday it has no information about the possibility of bringing in Apple's iPhone 4 CDMA-2000 version, National Business Daily reported Thursday.

Earlier reports said that China Telecom has been engaged in discussion with Apple Inc since 2009, and General Manager Wang Xiaochu said in August 2010 that China Telecom was willing to join hands with Apple when the phone is ready for the CDMA-2000 network.

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Analysys International analyst Lu Libin told the paper that the Chinese mainland might expect the CDMA-2000 version two or three months after the United States, as the production might not be large enough to supply the mainland.

Lu added that the iPhone5 is due mid-year, so only four or five months are left for iPhone 4's CDMA-2000 version to enter the mainland. Otherwise it will face challenges from the new product, regardless if its authorized or smuggled.

"The CDMA-2000 version could be available on mainland as early as June. Apple will not let go of China Telecom's customers," an analyst said.

China Telecom's CDMA-2000 network has more than 88 million customers, similar to that of Verizon, the report said.

The American Verizon Communications Inc's current customers may preorder iPhone4 CDMA-2000 version as of Feb 3. Before that, iPhone4 is only offered for WCDMA networks.


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