

Premier welcomes foreign talents working in China

Updated: 2011-01-27 13:29


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BEIJING -- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao Wednesday invited more foreign talents to continue their careers or start businesses in China, pledging better conditions for them.

During a seminar with more than 20 veteran foreign experts at the Great Hall of the People a week before the Chinese New Year, Wen thanked the foreign friends for their contributions to China's achievements in 2010.

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Wen said 2011 is a new starting point for China's modernization, as the country implements its 12th five-year plan for economic and social development.

"China's development is much more associated with the world and the supply of talents than before," Wen said, adding that China will adopt a more open policy to attract overseas experts.

Last year, foreign experts made more than 300,000 visits to China, according to Ji Yunshi, general director of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs.


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