

This man took the traffic worries out of bicycling

Updated: 2011-03-22 14:32

(China Daily)

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A retired man in Hechuan district of Chongqing got a lot of attention from local people earlier this month during the debut of his special invention - a water bike.

This man took the traffic worries out of bicycling

The 65-year-old Su Daoquan gave the opening performance of his pedal boat on nearby Fujiang River, on March 6, in front of a crowd of more than 100 onlookers.

Su's amphibious bike is 2.6 meters long and 1.4 meters wide and has pontoons on either side. The pedals are used to turn a paddle wheel.

The driver does the pedaling in the center, and there is room for two other adults.

The retired technician said that inventing it brought him a lot of joy after he retired and that his creation is environmentally friendly and suitable for tourism.

(Chongqing Morning News)



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