

Dog bites man, man runs away, the dog dies

Updated: 2011-03-24 09:06

(China Daily)

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A pet dog that was running free in Yunnan province's Mengla county earlier this month happened to bite a 70-year-old man - then died half an hour later.

The elderly citizen, a member of the Yao ethnic group, was bitten on his right hand and foot, and had to sit down after finally getting away from the dog.

His son, who arrived afterwards, was able to put a leash on the dog and took the father to a clinic. When they returned to the scene, they found the dog dead.

The son suspected the dog was rabid and called the police. They said there was nothing wrong with the dog but offered 100 yuan ($15) for clues leading to its owner.

(Chuncheng Evening News)


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