

Abandoned dog keeps ear to the ground for motorcycle

Updated: 2011-05-26 09:14

(China Daily)

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An abandoned dog sits crying everyday waiting for its owner.

Abandoned dog keeps ear to the ground for motorcycle

According to a resident, surnamed Ren, living in a residential community in Chongqing municipality, one of her neighbors moved out but left the dog, whose name is Pipi, in the yard a few days ago.

Every day the dog stays at the yard gate waiting for the owner to come home on his motorcycle and it runs out of the gate whenever it hears the sound of passing motorcycle.

"It was a pity that the dog was abandoned. When a stranger gave it some food, it refused to eat," Ren said.

The city's small animal protection association said it has no room for Pipi, but it will try its best to help the dog find a new owner.

(Chongqing Evening News)


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