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China Daily Website

Sprigs of spring

Updated: 2013-02-15 09:56
By Pauline D. Loh ( China Daily)

Recipe | Stir-fried baby spinach

Sprigs of spring


1 bunch baby spinach (250 g)

1 tbsp chopped salty ham or bacon

1 tbsp pine nuts, toasted


1. Wash spinach carefully, trimming off the root ends and shaking off any sandy grit. Dry in a salad spinner or leave to drain.

2. Heat up a little oil in a frying pan and add the chopped bacon or ham. When the meat is sizzling, turn up the heat and add the spinach. Toss well to coat the leaves with oil and chopped ham/bacon. It just takes about one minute.

3. Remove from heat. Don't worry if you still see "raw" bits, the residual heat will cook it. Sprinkle the pine nuts on top and serve at once.

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