

Steam locust flowers for a spring treat

Updated: 2011-04-04 07:59

By Guo Anfei (China Daily)

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 Steam locust flowers for a spring treat

A dish of steamed locust flowers. Provided to China Daily


When I was a little girl, I would spend my spring with my grandmother, who lived in a tiny village in the eastern part of Henan province. The village is surrounded by locust trees.

Flowering in late spring and continuing into early summer, the locust is one of my strong-est memories of my years in the countryside. The white flowers would make the village fragrant and also be made into a delicious dish on the villagers' dinner table.

Steamed locust flower is a specialty in Henan province, eaten here for thousands of years. Locust flowers usually appear in April or May, and last about 10 to 15 days.

Almost every family in the countryside makes the dish. In hard times, this is a dish to delight the children. My grandmother has always made steamed locust flower for her grandchildren every spring as far as I can remember. I would often ask my grandmother, "When could I have steamed locust flower?"

"The locust in full blossom has the best taste, I will make delicious food for you," she would say.

My cousin and I would first hook flowers from the tree with a reaping hook and then pick them little by little. I'd put them in the basket, and then give the collection to my grandmother.

The cooking part is easier. My grandmother would wash the flowers clean, sprinkle them with flour and put them on a food steamer for about 15 minutes. The old-fashioned steamer, essential for every village home, was positioned on the mud-and-brick stove-top and heated by wood and corncobs.

After that, she would take the blossoms from the steamer and add seasonings such as salt, garlic and MSG.

The flower is one of my favorite foods, and it becomes even more delicious when it is dipped in sesame oil. My cousin and I would consume large amounts of steamed locust flower. I would always be stuffed, unable to eat another bite for supper.

Today the flower has become a popular dish at some restaurants in Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan province. People who don't know how to cook the flower like to go to the restaurants, not only because this food is nutritious, but also it reminds them of the old days.

Locust flowers contain reasonable amounts of vitamin C and minerals, which make them healthy food like most other vegetables. Locust is planted in China, mainly on Loess Plateau and the North China Plain.

Besides serving the flowers steamed, they are often used in cakes, dumplings and porridge. Honey made from the flower has a very good flavor.


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