

Multi-lingual roger's extra workload

Updated: 2011-01-26 07:58

(China Daily)

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Multi-lingual Roger Federer says his language skills have made for a more varied life although it means he has to give extra interviews.

The Swiss all-time great eased into his eighth consecutive Australian Open semifinal in Melbourne on Tuesday and yet again had to fulfil lengthy post-match media commitments for the world's press.

It is not uncommon for Federer to stay behind after his main press conference and answer questions in several languages for a variety of media in newspapers, radio and television.

And Federer performs it all with his customary aplomb, courtesy and patience.

"I know what I have to do in the tennis world. It's become a lot. I wish it was less some times," Federer said.

"Some times I wish I never told anybody I learned French or something like that.

"I'm happy to speak it. It's a language we speak in Switzerland. I'm proud to have learned that language. At least I can communicate and have friends as well from that part of the world."

Federer, who has a South African mother, said he grew up speaking English and Swiss German.

"That (being a polyglot) comes at a cost, sure. But I don't mind it. I try to have fun with it," he said.

Agence France-Presse

(China Daily 01/26/2011 page24)


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