Company Special: Dove men's body wash is making a big splash

Updated: 2013-04-25 05:42

By Zhuan Ti (China Daily)

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 Company Special: Dove men's body wash is making a big splash

Only a week after its launch, sales of the Dove Men+Care topped all products in the same category at Provided to China Daily

The first body care products designed for men from Dove - the world's largest bath product brand - has been widely welcomed since its debut in China on a major online retailer website earlier this month.

Dove, the famous Unilever brand for body care, exclusively launched its first series of men care products in China using e-commerce platform on April 15.

The first week after it was available online, the new product line Dove Men+Care saw its sales top all products in the same category at, one of the largest e-commerce websites in China, making the famous brand for body care tap into a larger market.

The body wash was the first batch of Dove men's care products to arrive in China.

The series offers one of top products recommended jointly by dermatologists from North America and China. The lineup also includes skin care, hair care and body lotions, which may come later.

In modern society, men shoulder more responsibilities for caring the family and others in the society, but they are reluctant to voice their own need for care.

But they had their own choice when Dove launched its first product for men's body care in April in China.

Comparing to female skin, males are quite different.

Company Special: Dove men's body wash is making a big splash

For instance, male skin has a lower PH value, larger pores and more active sebaceous glands, meaning it tends to be more oily.

Besides, the average man has more than 2.6 million sweat glands that cover the most of the entire body. Males are also more prone to sweating.

So products for men need to target the physiological characteristics and adapt the formula.

In addition, surveys show that males tend to have a quick bath, so they expect body wash products can quickly clean their skin, completely freeing it from oily and filthy residues and sweaty odor.

They also hope the products can help make their skin comfortable, keeping more moisture even in a dry environment.

The Dove Men+Care is exactly designed and developed to solve these problems.

The Dove men care series has adopted the new micro moisture technology clinically proven to have a better effect in fighting skin dryness than other regular men's body wash.

The ultra-light formula rinses off easily and guards against odor for a long-lasting scent.

One bottle - or 400 ml - of Dove Men+Care contains 4.7 million micro moisture particles, creating a better effect for cleaning and moisturizing the skin.

(China Daily 04/25/2013 page19)
