Welcoming AIIB to fight poverty

2015-06-08 07:46:53

To help countries find solutions to their most vexing development challenges and build their economies.

South China Sea not a US political playfield

2015-06-08 07:46:53

The US should learn lessons from the failure of its covert involvement in the Syria and Ukraine crises.


2015-06-08 08:09:07

China helps partners upgrade economies

2015-06-06 08:09:19

Premier Li Keqiang signed 67 cooperation agreements worth more than $100 billion during his nine-day visit to Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Chile.

Aquino's ignorance of history rather pathetic

2015-06-06 08:09:19

Even if we pardon Philippine President Benigno Aquino III for being "an amateur student of history", we cannot ignore his ignorance.

Waste-not-want-not path to green economy

2015-06-06 08:09:19

As we sat down for lunch or dinner on World Environment Day on Friday, it was an important time to consider this: one-third of all food produced across the world every year - 300 million tons - is wasted.

Art, self-promotion or defaming culture?

2015-06-05 07:50:27

The shooting of a series of nude photos in the Forbidden City and their circulation on the Internet has caused very bad social effects.

Court of public opinion too quick to condemn

2015-06-05 07:50:27

Hopefully, now that the immediate shock of the tragedy has faded people will consider twice before rushing to make rash judgments.

Environmental footprint of China's food security policies

2015-06-04 14:50:36

As the World Environment Day approaches, it is appropriate to assess the impacts of food and agricultural production on the environment both in China and on some of the countries from which it imports its food.

Yangtze probe needs to navigate troubled waters

2015-06-04 07:33:41

And by learning the lessons from the disaster, the nation can honor those that have died in this tragedy.

PLA drill to safeguard China's interests

2015-06-04 07:33:41

Political negotiations and diplomatic maneuvers will play a vital role in promoting healthy and stable China-Myanmar relations.