US' ability to control Japan has abated

2015-05-05 07:50:57

China and other East Asian powers likewise need to realize that the US' ability to control Japan's actions in the security arena has already diminished.


2015-05-05 08:24:58

Denials of the past deny the future

2015-05-04 11:15:43

No one in Japan gives this label to Western countries, where there are also many critics of Abe and his like-minded revisionists.

The final push to end extreme poverty

2015-05-04 11:15:43

We know that ending extreme poverty will be extraordinarily difficult - in fact, the closer we get to our goal, the more difficult it will be.

Chu signals adherence to 1992 Consensus

2015-05-04 09:13:01

Chu's mainland visit will surely boost the morale of his party and his own image, if local media outlets report about it responsibly.

Need books to change our lives for the better

2015-04-30 07:43:53

E-reading does have its advantages: one can read anywhere, anytime almost free of charge.

US may shoot itself in foot by conniving Japan

2015-04-30 07:43:53

The new US-Japan defense guideline and the ongoing TPP negotiations show that many politicians in the West still see China's rise as a grave danger to their countries.

Gender equality must be part of school syllabus

2015-04-30 07:43:53

Sexism hinders women's freedom - from choosing their careers to deciding their future - and gradually makes them just an appendage to their husbands.

Apple fever

2015-04-30 08:02:47

ASEAN being hijacked by some of its members

2015-04-29 07:52:11

Philippines and a few ASEAN members have hijacked China-ASEAN relations, jeopardizing the mutual trust between China and ASEAN.

Tale of two regions after World War II

2015-04-29 07:52:11

Until and unless the ghosts of Japan's wartime past are laid to rest, the Asia-Pacific region will not be at peace.