Arsenal backs coach

Updated: 2011-09-22 08:00

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Arsenal is not in crisis and fully supports Arsene Wenger's efforts to turn around the club after a poor start to the season, chief executive Ivan Gazidis said on Tuesday. Speaking at a Sport Industry breakfast meeting, Gazidis made a strong defense of the coach.

"Arsene Wenger is not broken. To see him portrayed as an idiot is damaging, not to him or the club but to the game," he said.

"(Sacking him) is a route we are not going to go down. He didn't suddenly become a bad manager or out of touch. That's nonsense."

Gazidis said the club had a long-term strategy and would stick with it.

"If we get into short-termism we will do more damage to the club. He (Wenger) is frustrated but very, very focused on putting things right and is as positively engaged as ever to drive the club forward."


(China Daily 09/22/2011 page22)