Dresden should be banned from next German Cup-DFB

Updated: 2011-11-03 14:26


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Second division Dynamo Dresden could be banned from next season's German Cup after the country's football federation on Wednesday requested their suspension following crowd trouble in a second round defeat by Borussia Dortmund last week.

The DFB made the proposal to the national sports court after fans of the former East German powerhouse lit flares, threw objects onto the pitch and fought with stewards and police around the stadium before and after the game.

More than a dozen fans were arrested.

The DFB said its suspension proposal comes after repeated warnings and fines against Dresden in the past few seasons.

"After six convictions with fines in the seasons 2009/10 and 2010/11 as well as two in the current season, the DFB had warned the club of tougher sanctions if their fans misbehaved again," the DFB said in a statement.

The club will now have to present its case early next week before the court's decision.=