England coach Capello to miss son's wedding day

Updated: 2011-11-10 11:01


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LONDON - England coach Fabio Capello will have to toast his son's marriage from the Wembley dugout on Saturday when his side host world champions Spain in a friendly.

Italian Capello's youngest son Pierfilippo is tying the knot with his partner Tiziana on the same day.  

The Spain friendly was due to be played on Friday night, but was rearranged - with the agreement of Capello's former general manager Franco Baldini - because of Barcelona's King's Cup match against Hospitalet on Wednesday.  

"He is a football manager first," Pierfilippo was quoted as saying in the English media.  

"He has been that ever since I was a child and sometimes being a football manager can make strange demands on your time. You just have to accept that."